
14 Feb

So youre leaving
In the morning
On the early train
But I could say everythings alright
And I could pretend and say goodbye

Got your ticket
Got your suitcase
Got your leaving smile
Oh, I could say thats the way it goes
And I could pretend and you wont know
That I was lying

Because I cant stop loving you
No, I cant stop loving you
No, I wont stop loving you
Why should i

We took a taxi
To the station
Not a word was said
And I saw you walk across the road
For maybe the last time, I dont know

Feeling humble
Heard a rumble
On the railway track
And when I hear the whistle blow
I walk away and you wont know
That ill be crying

Because I cant stop loving you
No, I cant stop loving you
No, I wont stop loving you
Why should i

(a song by Phil Collins)

Yes, I am leaving in the morning, on an early flight…. but do’nt worry I will come home again. Just for 29 days, and I promise I will have a good vacation with the children. Cause I wont stop loving you. Happy Valentine dear.

Suara angin ribut di luar. Memang diperkirakan hari ini akan kacau cuacanya. Tapi suhu mencapai 19 derajat. Wah apakah ini pertanda akan mulai musim semi? Karena memang aku bersin-bersin terus sepanjang hari.

Selesai packing, sudah mandi, sudah harum, tinggal membangunkan pak supir yang akan mengantar ke bandara Narita. Dan liburanku dimulai. See you all… and have a nice Valentine day. (Di Jepang biasanya bagi-bagi coklat, dari yang cewe ke yang cowo. Tapi tahun ini dibuat terbalik, dari yang cowo ke yang cewe. Asyiiik jadi aku tidak usah beli coklat deh… Tapi kalo mau kasih coklat aku, minta yang Godiva dong hihihi… satu biji juga ngga papa kok!)
